Book Review: Simple Ways to Be Happy by Luci Swindoll

Simple Ways to Be Happy by Luci Swindoll was an enjoyable read. I just felt like I was sitting with Luci and soaking up some of the wisdom she has to share from years of learning. Anne Lamott states in the forward, Luci is every one's best friend and soul mate--and I felt like she was mine as I read through the book.

These couple of sentences from Luci some up the book from my point of view. "Someday when my life is over, I'd like to be remembered for three things, that I was gracious, generous, and grateful. If I can achieve that, I'll feel like I've lived a life of meaning and richness. . .We can have money, fame comfort, belongings, titles, and all that comes with each of those, but if we are not grateful or generous, we've missed the mark of being happy. And if we don't treat other people graciously, we'll never have friends."(from chapter 50) Lucy goes on to say that her prayer for the readers of her book is to live a rich life filled with thanksgiving and love.

While I don't know that any ONE of the things she discusses will bring you happiness, I think they will bring enjoyment to your own life as well as the lives of those around you if you apply them. Some of Luci's 50 chapters include: Let People Know You Care, Focus on what is Important Now, Build Yourself a Small Library, Get Doctrine Under Your Belt, Listen With Your Whole Heart and Invite People To Your Home. Each chapter offers ideas to help improve your life, Scripture to go along with many of them, and real life examples that Luci shares from her 80 years of living.

I have heard Luci speak at two Women of Faith events as well as on Focus on the Family's radio show. I enjoy her wonderful sense of humor and how "real" she seems to be. I admire her zest for Christ and living an adventurous life. Some of these suggestions were new to me while others just stoked my fire to continue on in doing some of the ones I was already doing. I found it an enjoyable read with tips on living a full life no matter what your situation. I think if we would all do the things Luci suggests, many of which are common sense, we would all be living in better community with one another. I highly recommend it.

I received this book as part of Thomas Nelson's Booksneeze program. I was not required to write a positive review.


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