Book Review: Secrets of Dynamic Communication by Ken Davis

The Secrets of Dynamic Communication from Ken Davis offers a wealth of advice on how to give a speech. This book offers advice from the planning through the presentation. I am a beginner at public speaking (save that one semester of high school speech years ago)so I appreciate how thorough this book is.

Ken Davis initially helps the reader find the focus of their speech. He uses a  process called SCORRE to help develop the content of any talk. SCORRE is an acronym that Davis uses to help the reader go through a process to present any kind of speech from the preparation to the presentation. In fact, he encourages the reader to work along with the book to develop a speech as they read. Throughout the book, he gives examples of times he succeeded and times he failed in various aspects of speech-making. I appreciate how teachable he is and it helped me feel like I could be teachable through this book too. With over 40 years of experience in public speaking, he doesn't leave any details out. Besides helping the reader come up with quality content, Ken Davis helps the perspective speech-maker with other details. For example, making sure the lighting and the room size fit your speech--things that I just wouldn't have thought of due to a lack of experience. Ken is known for his humorous speeches and he also shares how to use humor in your speech effectively.

Secrets of Dynamic Communication was easy to read and follow. I would recommend it to anyone seeking to improve their speaking skills.

I recently heard Ken Davis speak in  Iowa. He made me laugh during a sad time as that same day I found out my Grandpa passed away. More importantly,  he encouraged me to overcome obstacles in health and to live each day as best I can for my family and for God. With humor in his presentation, he puts a real emphasis on the importance of both family and faith. After his presentation, I was standing towards the end of the line and this gracious man signed books and posed for pictures with everyone in that line.He was a dynamic speaker with a heart--truly someone we could all learn from.

I received this book at no charge from Booksneeze. I was not required to write a positive review.


  1. Hi Monica! Sounds like a helpful book! My name is Heather and I have a question about your blog! My email is Lifesabanquet1(at)


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