Book Review: Apologetics Study Bible For Students

The new Apologetics Study Bible For Students is a beautiful Bible for young people. My son will be 14 next month and he especially liked several aspects of this Bible.

Right away, he noticed that the print is dark and easy to read. This Bible is well-constructed, easy-to-use and read.

Then, each book of the Bible has an introduction that includes a summary of the book, the author of the book, when the book was written in time and what else was going on in the world at that time.He found that helpful in learning about the book and placing it in its proper time in history.

Most importantly, for this Bible, there are a number of helpful articles included within the text. There are answers to 120 of the most commonly asked questions about the Christian faith. About any question facing both young people and adults in today's world that you can think of has been addressed here: What's the big Deal with Yoga? Are UFOs real? How do I know God's Will for my life? And many, many more. Other articles within this Bible share Scripture verses that are often twisted and how they are clarified. Personal stories of some of the great defenders of the Christian faith are shared in such a way that young people can relate to them in today's world. Specific tactics are shared in various places to help the reader to be prepeared to handle many common challenges Christians hear to challenge Christianity.

Both my son and I were impressed with how thoroughly the Christian faith was studies, shared and communicated to better help Bible students understand the faith for themselves and to better share that faith with others when opportunities arise. I would recommend it to any young person to better ground their faith in the Bible to last a lifetime.

I received this Bible from Broadman and Holman. I was not required to write a positive review in exchange for the book.


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