You Can Do This by Tricia Lott Williford

You Can Do This by Tricia Lott Williford is an inspiring read if you are in need of more confidence and encouragement. I honestly think this covers most of us women of all ages. 

Williford starts out in the introduction of You Can Do This by sharing that she wrote this book to us readers but for herself to remind herself of how she got the confidence when she needs it again. She also shares how she would like us to pull up a chair to the kitchen table with her and realize this book is for both her and us. We need to know that we can get the most out of the book as readers when we do the suggested exercises at the end of each chapter. This is a great book to use with your journal. It would also be great to share with another friend, a counselor, or a study group. You Can Do This will inspire you to think and help you grow, as well as entertaining you with Williford's stories and the Bible stories she referenced. Williford shares lessons she has learned on knowing our identity, appreciating our own beauty, enjoying our own company, learning to receive help and encouragement when we need it, being a confident mom, refusing to give in to fear, and much more.

You Can Do This is the first book that I have read by Williford. I enjoyed her light-hearted conversational style as she shared her real-life stories in which she shares some real-life challenges that she went through while still teaching me how to be a more God-confident woman. It is her realness that inspires me and helps me believe that I can continue to learn and grow into a more confident woman in the midst of my real-life problems. I liked the way she leaves each chapter with something for the reader to do and think about to better learn each chapter's truths. Williford shares inspiring quotes at the beginning of each chapter and I enjoyed all of those too. I also liked that she had a list of related books to read in the back of You Can Do This

I received You Can Do This from the publisher. I was not required to write a positive review in exchange for the book.


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