Sense and Sensibility by Jane Austin with A Guide to Reading and Reflecting by Karen Swallow Prior

I admittedly have not read a lot of classics but I liked this idea of having a reading guide with the book. Sense and Sensibility by Jane Austin with the guide to reading and reflecting by Karen Swallow Prior was a great way to read the book.

First of all, I love how beautiful this book looks. The classic styling with the ribbon marker are so nice looking. I have seen a few other books in this series and I can already tell that they will look nice on a bookshelf in a grouping. Also, I like the thick paper and the print size. Secondly, it was so helpful to me to read Prior's introduction to the book. She also does not include spoilers for those who have not read the book before, which was helpful to someone like me. I learned a lot in this part about how Austin was a Christian and what her faith looked like as well as what type of book Sense and Sensibility is and who it was written for. If you have not read this classic, I highly recommend this edition with the helps.Then in the back of the book she has a lot of questions for reflection which would be helpful for both individual readers and groups.

I received this book from the publisher. All opinions in this review are my own.


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