The Shift by Keion Henderson

The Shift by Keion Hendrson is subtitled "Courageously Moving from Season to Season." Now is a good time to read this book and move with courage into the next season as we are nearly all in one sort of shift or another due to the corona virus pandemic.

The Shift starts out with an introduction as Henderson explains how he best hopes his book will resonate with the reader through sharing his story. Henderson does share his story in bets and pieces throughout the chapters of the book. He relates the many things that God has taught him throughout his life so far. However, he also relates to many of the people in the Bible through each chapter so that readers can ponder the stories of Jacob, the woman at the well, Adam and Even, Moses and many others. Each chapter ends with a short section entitled, Shift Keys in which he gives a brief summary of what he hopes you learned in the chapter, ask some key questions to help you relate the chapter to your own life and concludes with a prayer. Each chapter heading/subject also starts with a letter D: Desperation, Destiny, Determination, and Dominion, among others.

I hadn't heard of Keion Henderson before reading The Shift. He writes in a straightforward manner and he tells his story and the stories of those in the Bible and other famous people in a straightforward, easy-to-understand and easy-to-relate manner. I liked his approach. The book offers both advice and encouragement on living the Christian life better as life is continually changing. In reading The Shift, I especially liked his chapter on Documentation as he encourages us to write down and keep a record of the ways that God has worked in our life, which sounds good to this life-long journaler. As a whole, I liked the book and I found it encouraging and it reinforced a lot of the Christian beliefs that I have held through the years.

I received a copy of this book from the publisher. All opinions expressed within this review are my own. #sponsoredbyfaithwords


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