A Dream within a Dream by Mike Nappa and Melissa Kosci

Some of my very favorite books growing up were Nancy Drew mysteries. A Dream Within a Dream by Mike Nappa and Melissa Kosci gave me that same breathless feeling as I raced my way through the book to the exciting conclusion.

Trudi Coffey hasn't seen Samuel Hill in weeks. Then the FBI comes looking for her and she is clueless as to what is going on. She also has an encounter with a small man named Dream. It isn't long before she is entrenched in not only the mystery of what is going on with Samuel but figuring out just who Dream is and the big mystery of why he is so important to so many people.

A Dream Within a Dream practically left me breathless turning pages as I read through this fun mystery. I enjoyed Trudi and Samuel each in their own way. I also found Trudi's assistant Eula to be a fun part of the adventure. I especially liked how tender and kind Trudi was to Dream and how she tried to reflect her faith to him as she interacted with him. There were themes of love, kindness, and forgiveness in between the sleuthing and evading of bad guys. And just who were the bad guys anyway? This book kept me guessing in that area too. There were a few surprises in the end. I enjoyed the characters and the plot all the way through. If you are an Edgar Allan Poe fan the book will be even richer for you. I wasn't real familiar with him but I enjoyed what I learned through this book. I read A Dream Within a Dream as a stand-alone but I definitely want to read the first two books in the series--and hope more are to come with the cliffhangers at the end.

I received a copy of this book from the publisher. All opinions within this review are my own.


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