Book Review; The Incurables by Teri Speed, MD

 The Incurables: Unlock Healing for Spirit, Mind and Body by [Teri Speed]


I finished reading The Incurables by Teri Speed with mixed feelings. It took me awhile to get though this book. I thought might be a quick read, but instead, I found myself often distracted by the author's writing style. Dr. Speed is a surgeon who has found that body, mind and soul work together to heal people from their physical ailments. That makes sense to me and is why I bought the book. She does seem like a compassionate doctor that takes time to listen to her patients and find healing. From that point of view, the book offers some guidance on how to work holisticly to heal our bodies or to help heal someone we know. At the end of each chapter, questions are included to help the reader draw conclusions and help their own situations to use this concept to work towards healing.

At the same time, Dr. Speed continually tells the reader how she doesn't really want to listen to God up front and is a slow learner towards what God wants her to do. I think we all can be. But in this book I felt she often focuses on herself and this part of the situation so much that from my point of view, it was distracting. I also felt she put some of her experiences in the book that don't really seem to take away from the point she is trying to make and really drag the book down. That being said, I still found it interesting and felt the book was worth the time to read but if it had been lightened up a few pages, I'd have enjoyed it more and learned more.


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