Book Review: More Than a Bucket List by Toni Birdsong

More Than a Bucket List is a gift book from Thomas Nelson that would be great for someone to mark their special birthdays with or for yourself. This book offers a lot of ideas for creating a "bucket list" for your life by thinking about those things you would really like to do. Ideas include the highly adventurous, like surfing he North Shore on Oahu, Hawaii or rafting the Grand Canyon, to quieter activities such as paying for the person in line behind you at a fast food restaurant or tracking down a former teacher to let them know how much they meant to you. There is likely to be ideas in here that will fit most anyone.

Along with Bucket List ideas, this book offers general advice on saving money, getting out of debt, creating better relationships and growing closer to God through Scripture. In the back of the book, there is space for making your own bucket list. For the most part I enjoyed many of the ideas and suggestions in this book, although some parts sounded preachy to me. There is a lot of advice offered on how to live life, in general, such as stop criticizing, accepting hardships, Jesus isn't political, etc. I also found a few places in the book that were repetitious. For example, getting out of debt was mentioned several places. If you aren't reading the book straight through, that may not be a problem. Still, as a whole, this book offers a lot of great ideas for living a better life and fulfilling your dreams and God's dreams.

One idea that I especially liked was offered to help readers remember God's miracles like when Israel crossed the Jordan on dry ground (Joshua 4:21-22). The challenge was then to set up your own stones and write on them the significant movements of God in your life and keep them on a desk, table, or somewhere special as a reminder of God's work in your life.

I received this book from Thomas Nelson through their Booksneeze program. I was not required to write a positive review.


  1. This looks like a great book. Thanks for your thoughts and the review. Hope you have a wonderful week! :O)

  2. Thank you for stopping by Diane!


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