Book Review: Restless by Jennie Allen

This is my first book by Jennie Allen. . .and I have to say I found her conversational style to be engaging. I truly felt as if she were right beside me talking to me about my dreams and passions and God's purpose in my life. . .only I confess that I wish she truly were sitting with me working this book out.

This is a book that you would want to use to work out God's purpose and dreams in your life. It flows so well that it is a quick read. However, in order to get the most out of this book, I would encourage the reader to follow Jennie Allen's instructions and use the journal pages in the book to figure out how God is using threads in your life to weave your unique story. The threads would be your gifts, times of suffering, passions, places and people that make your life a valuable part of God's story. She also shares examples from her life, people she knows, and from Joseph in the Bible. While Jennie says many of us have doubts and fears, she believes that God has gifted us all to uniquely share our gifts and passions with the world.

This book is geared primarily towards women. And she mentions a couple of times that she is writing and speaking to her generation. . .However, I think her reach is farther than she realizes. I don't think I am the only mid-life woman that could benefit from this book. . .At times in our life, we may need to stop and take a look. I could clearly see where God wanted me to go when I was younger before having my son, but being a stay at home mom for several years has left me feeling lost in my life right now. With that in mind, I would recommend it to any woman who is searching for purpose.

I received this book from Thomas Nelson at no charge. I was not required to write a positive review.


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