Book Review: The Storm Inside by Sheila Walsh

Sheila Walsh is a Woman of Faith speaker (as you probably already know). . .and she hears the voices of many women. . .women who've faced challenges in their life She is also a woman who has been through a few of her own storms. She brings her knowledge from both listening to others' stories and sharing her own, along with God's Word, to write a book geared to remind you that God is with you in all of those storms, The Storm Inside:Trade the Chaos of How You Feel for the Truth of Who You Are.

The Storm Inside offers so much encouragement to anyone facing a life storm full of swirling emotions such as:

Sheila helps the reader see that God is always with us in the storms. With His help, we can "navigate by what we know is true no matter how we feel." Each chapter is full of examples from a real life and from the Bible. The chapters all close with some things you can think about on your own and questions to ask yourself to get through the storm. A short prayer also ends each chapter keeping the focus of facing the storm foremost between you and God. Sheila reminds us that while we are likely to face storms in our life, we also have a God that is with us and gives us strength to make it through each day, without giving way to our emotions.

I would encourage anyone who is struggling and in the midst of a challenging struggle in their life, some sort of storm for them, to pick this book up and soak up Sheila Walsh's encouragement. I believe this book will be easy for most women to relate to. . .and it is geared towards women, although men may benefit too.

I received this book at no charge from the publisher. I was not required to write a positive review in exchange for the book.


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