Book Review: The Battle Plan for Prayer by Stephen and Alex Kendrick

When the War Room movie from the Kendrick Brothers came out, my family went the first weekend. I not only enjoyed the movie but I felt challenge to step up my prayer life once again. I have read other prayer books and prayed in the past, but I had become tired and discouraged from some recent stressful events in my life. The movie was a breath of fresh air for me. The Battle Plan for Prayer by Stephen and Alex Kendrick looked like a way to continue to add fresh air to my prayer life--and it has.

 The Battle Plan for Prayer is one of the most comprehensive prayer books that I have ever read. I took my time and I didn't rush through this book. There is so much good information in this book that, from my point of view, it is best digested in small bites to remember it better. The Kendricks shared that their hope for the book is "that you not only experience the joys of answered prayer more fully, but that you'll get to know God more deeply and fellowship with Him more personally as you travel these pages." To do that, they encourage readers to read a chapter each day in the book, read the Bible each day and to pray every day. After reading the book and applying those bite-sized steps, I agree, they can add up to a better prayer life.

I liked how this book was arranged in small chapters to absorb the material. It had sections on enlistment, basic training, conditioning, strategies, targets, ammunition and reinforcements. It is clear that prayer is an important part of our life and in doing battle with the unseen enemy to gain ground for the Christian life. I also especially liked the helps and discussion questions in the back of the book. I don't know of a group doing this book in my area, but it would be a great book to do in a group setting, especially with these extra helps that are included. I can't recommend this book. . .and the War Room movie itself enough right now. It would be great if every Christian would see the movie and read this book. . .then we would have a whole army doing battle for God.

I received this book from the publisher, Broadman and Holman. I was not required to write a positive review in exchange for the book.


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