The Wellness Revelation by Alisa Keeton

The Wellness Revelation by Alisa Keeton is more than just a book. It is a book, Bible study, work out program, and healthy-eating plan all rolled into one eight-week journey program.

The Wellness Revelation starts with an introduction by with Keeton explaining how she got involved in fitness, how she turned her life over to Christ, and how readers can best use this book. The book could be used with a group, alone or with a trained Revelation Wellness instructor. Each of the eight weeks takes you on a journey of holistic fitness as you renew your mind, body and spirit to better serve God. Each week's study includes the chapter of explanation on the focus of the week, a Bible study, questions to relate to and to help you to better do the program, a prayer and a real-life story of how this program has made a difference to someone. In addition to all of the help and encouragement the book has to offer, there are additional helps available on the corresponding website on line.

I thought The Wellness Revelation was a good program. For the purpose of the review, I read through the book and did not do the program entirely. I did think the study, program, fitness and dietary helps would be good for someone looking to improve their total health. According to Keeton, on page 7, "70 percent of American were overweight in 2014. " Most of us could improve on our health and use our health to better serve God and those around us. This book paired with the on-line resources could be a real help to those who want to improve their health. It is a Christian book so there are a lot of Scriptures to back up the authors point of view and to encourage Christians to live their best life all the way around. I would recommend it to all who want to live a healthier lifestyle.

I received The Wellness Revelation from Tyndale House Publishers. I was not required to write a positive review in exchange for the book.


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