Jelly Telly Children's books from FaithWords

God Made the World by Hannah C. Hall features brothers Clive and Ian. Together they have a picnic and learn about how God made the world and all that is in it.

Each of these four board books in this series are nice thick, quality books that would stand the test of time with several children. The stories are good as they allow for family discussion and they all have vibrant illustrations. At the back of each book, there is a page called The Parent Connection. This page gives ideas on how to get started talking about the ideas in the books and some specific questions to ask to get discussions started. This whole series is great for getting basic Christian concepts across to young children.

God Made Me by Hannah C. Hall starts with Ian sharing how much he loves to eat pancakes. Together, Ian and Clive talk about how they are each special and how God created them differently.

God Made Night and Day by Hannah C. Hall takes us back to a summer night outdoors with the family. Clive and Ian are on a camping trip talking about the sun, the moon and the stars. All of the illustrations in this series are good, but I especially like the illustrations in this book. We just felt like we were really looking up at the night sky and thinking about the stars. Since we are in the middle of winter and missing summer, that was a great memory for our family.

God Made the Animals by Hannah C. Hall once again features brothers Clive and Ian as they take a trip to the zoo. This book has a lot of fun animal illustrations as the brothers learn how God made each animal differently. The Parent Connection page in the back of this one has some especially good questions to talk about how animals are all different.

Buck Denver's Bible Coloring Book: Old Testament Stories and Buck Denver's Bible Coloring Book: New Testament Stories are both high quality coloring books. The quality pages are thick and are perforated for easy removal to hang on the refrigerator. Some pages have fairly large areas to color and some have smaller, finer pictures to color, so they would make a nice mix for a family of young children to share where there are different skill levels. They would not only be good for rainy day fun but also for homeschooling families to use, church groups and Sunday Schools and Christian pre-schools. The pictures all depict a Bible story and share a verse or two or part of the story. They are quite nice in quality all the way around for kids to learn and grow in their Bible knowledge while having fun coloring.

All of these new "Buck Denver Asks:What's in the Bible?" titles from JellyTelly Press and Faithwords are high quality resources. We have seen most of the Buck Denver: What's In the Bible? DVDs so these are great resources to accompany those if you have them. If you don't, they aren't necessary to use these books to help children learn and grow in their Christian Faith. I recommend them all. They are so nice in both quality of content and illustrations. Currently there is a give away for the entire set on the publisher's website. The Promotion ends February 8 for the drawing:

I received these books from the publisher. I was not required to write a positive review. #sponsoredbyfaithwords


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