52 Uncommon Family Adventures by Randy Southern

Are you looking for a family adventure? Like our family, you probably would like one but you live on a budget so you don't think it is possible. In Randy Southern's new book, 52 Uncommon Family Adventures, there are a bunch of adventures that are fun without breaking the bank.

Gary Chapman writes the forward in 52 Uncommon Family Adventures sharing about love languages and how they can come in to play with the adventures. Chapman is the bestselling author of The Five Love Languages which you may have heard of previously. The book has enough adventures to do one a week if you choose to do them all. Each adventure includes information about the time commitment it will take, the cost, the location and the love language that could come in to play through the adventure. Some examples of adventures include a family volunteer day where you all work together to help an organization in need, a family challenge day where you challenge another family in an afternoon of silly competitions, a mini reading marathon, backwards day where everyone does everything backwards for the day, and a day revolving around pennies full of penny activities. Each adventure includes a devotion along with it. Also, many of the adventures can be adapted for various sizes of families and age ranges.

 52 Uncommon Family Adventures is a fun book--especially for families that struggle with ideas for what to do and have a small budget. My husband and I enjoyed reading many of these ideas with ways to work them in for our family. At the same time, they were a catalyst to give us ideas for more fun things to do. We have a small family and I like that a lot of these ideas work no matter what the family size and are so adaptable for ages. I also like that the love languages are incorporated into the adventures as it helps us think about honoring and respecting each other for the gifts we offer to our family. I also think this book could be fun to use for large family reunions or gatherings where you aren't sure how to entertain everyone. It is a neat little book. It is small and easy to use. I like the tie-in with a family devotion for each one, but if that isn't something that your family does, it isn't necessary to enjoy the activities either.

I received a copy of this book from the publisher. All opinions are my own.


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