For All Who Wander by Robin Dance

Are there days where you wonder, 'Is God really there?' Do you sometimes struggle in your faith? If you answered 'yes' to either of these questions, Robin Dance wants you to know you are not alone. In her new book, For all Who Wander, Dance shares her story of struggling with her faith.

For All Who Wander is part memoir and part spiritual encouragement book. Dance tells her story from the time she was young and her mother died of cancer while the family was attending a small town church until her later years when she started struggling more with her faith in her 40s. It was at that point that she felt her most honest prayer was that of father in Mark 9:14-25, "Lord I believe; Help my unbelief." They had also moved around that time and were struggling in their new church home. If you struggle with faith, church, and feel like that could be your prayer too, then For All Who Wander is likely to leave you feeling like you have found a kindred spirit.

For All Who Wander was an encouraging and interesting read as a whole for me. I appreciated Dance's honesty and her integrity in telling her story. She seems like a genuine person who has struggled with hard things and come out on the other side. I also am about the same age as Dance so I could relate to much of her background and many of her personal stories. I also shared some similar life changes that have contributed to my struggles like they contributed to hers. However, I don't think it matters how old you are or where you are with your struggles, For All Who Wander is likely a book that many can relate to. However, I found most of the uplifting spiritual meat in the first part and the last part of the book. The middle of the book seemed to be mostly her story and I didn't see as much of a spiritual element there, but then I think that is a telling part of this book with a subject of wandering away from God. I think it is good to know that her struggles all did lead her back to God and likely mine will too. My struggles are different than Dance's but For All Who Wander was still uplifting and inspiring me to keep looking to God and keeping my faith even through the struggles. I think if you struggle with faith, it will likely inspire you too.

I received this book from the publisher. All opinions are my own.


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