An Unexpected Role by Leslea Wahl

At first Josie can't wait for the summer between her sophomore and Junior year. She has a lot she is looking forward to--until her classmates start making fun of her after her. Jose's mom has just published a book with about a teen girl who has some embarrassing moments--and they assume the book is about Josie so start teasing her about it and playing pranks. Then in An Unexpected Role by Leslea Wahl, Josie's summer takes a whole new turn when she decides to spend the summer with her Aunt in South Carolina. That is when the real adventure begins and Josie learns who she really is and what she is about.

An Unexpected Role is written for teenage readers--and specifically for Catholic youth. This book starts out with some moments for Josie that would be embarrassing for any teenage girl I think. I didn't like the book at the start because of that and Josie's family didn't seem to be really hearing how hard this was for her. At the same time, though, Josie wasn't talking much either. I think that might be true in many families regardless of the issues. Throughout the book, Wahl does seem to do a good job of portraying Josie's thoughts and feelings accurately. I like that there is a mystery in the book and I didn't guess the outcome either. I also really liked that Josie grew spiritually through various sources--going to mass, situations with those she encounters and through her mom's postcards. I also like that the characters in the book become friends even though they are various ages and it did seem natural within the story. Josie also was a good model for getting out of herself and volunteering and visiting with other age groups. I am not Catholic but I think the good points of An Unexpected Role would work well for any Christian young person to apply to their lives. The awkward family talks and miscommunication in Josie's family that I didn't like at the beginning of the book also seemed to get better as the book went on. I also thought that the book was a little slow in places but the last half of the book flew by pretty fast for me. Honestly, I think it would be better for a teenager girl than an adult--which is who the book is aimed at. It has mystery, romance, and more.

I received a copy of this book from the author as part of Just Read Tours Blind Date with a book. All opinions within this review are my own.

More information on this book and other books written by Leslea Wahl can be found on her website:
Young Adult book author, Leslea Wahl


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