Daring to Live by Sheri Hunter
After having children, I think it is easy for a lot of women to lose who they are. When she started feeling lost, Sheri Hunter joined a group of women from her church to find a support system. What Hunter found is much more than a group of friends--she found a group of sisters who called themselves the Dare Divas who challenged her to live life to the fullest. She tells her story in Daring to Live.
A few years after the Dare Divas started challenging each other to live with courage and face their fears, Hunter faced one of the biggest challenges of her life. Her husband, Mannard, passed away at just 50 years old. Hunter struggled to face that challenge and at times turned to crutches like alcohol for a time to numb the pain. But she faced that challenge too, found an accountability partner and conquered that. Through the years, the Dare Divas supported each other with love and prayer--and challenges to do some big adventures together--like whitewater rafting, zip lining, and even mountain climbing.
I found Daring to Live to be truly inspirational. Hunter writes well and kept me turning pages to see what the next adventure the Dare Divas would tackle. Along with the adventures, Hunter shares a lot of encouragement and continues to remind the reader that God is with them too--no matter what challenges they face. I also liked that she shares from her heart but she is honest too. She doesn't sugar coat everything. She tells about how hard it was to grieve her husband. She tells about difficulties they had within the group at one point. Yet, she continues to let the reader know that, with the right spirit, these challenges helped her grow and helped them ultimately grow closer. Daring to Live is a good read for someone needing that reminder that they can face the hard things with good friends and God is with them.
I received this book from Baker Books Publishing. All opinions within this review are my own.
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