No Less Days and From Sky to Sky by Amanda Stevens

No Less Days:
David Galloway is old. . .as in over a century old. He is living a quiet life in Michigan running a used bookstore. When daredevil Zachary Wilson walks away from what looks like a deadly fall, David tracks him down. When he finds him, he finds a few others like himself who offer him friendship and community. Together they support each other and they come against some challenges in their community.

From Sky to Sky:
No Less Days tells the story from David's point of view in the series, while From Sky to Sky is from Zac Wilson's point of view. In this book we find out there is a lot more to Zac Wilson than just being a daredevil. He is a character with a multi-faceted personality and one who is a true empath. When the group is connected with a couple of new people who also are living longer than normal lives, he helps find out the story behind their current struggles and also helps to unite them in the end. However, at the end of this book there are still loose ends so it is obvious that the story goes on--maybe the next narrator is Simon. I am curious about his story too.

No Less Days and From Sky to Sky by Amanda Stevens are both intriguing books considered to be speculative fiction. This is a different sort of series from anything I have read before and I truly enjoyed it. I liked the way the author gave each character a unique personality and I like how they all fit together. I also like that there are meeting up at a used bookstore. The books also draw in to the story aspects of social media and other tidbits of what is clearly life in today's world while bringing in the way these people have had to learn, grow and adapt through the many years of their lives. Some have done it better than others--as would be true to life. I think the author is doing a great job with this series. The books kept my interest. The characters also make me think about how I am living my life as a Christian today. How would I feel if I were living like these characters--through multiple generations and watching others die? l like the questions at the back of the book because these would be great books for a book club to discuss together. I think you could have some interesting discussions. Stevens weaves the characters' faith and lack of faith within the book so it easily seems to be part of the story. I would encourage you to give it a try if you are hesitating because it isn't your usual genre. It isn't mine either but I am liking it a lot. I was encouraged to start with the first book, No Less Days, by another reader and I would encourage you to do the same.

I received a complimentary copy of  From Sky to Sky from Barbour Publishing and was under no obligation to post a review. I purchased the first book, No Less Days on my own.


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