If the Tomb is Empty by Joby Martin with Charles Martin


Are you looking for a new book with a fresh look at the resurrection of Jesus? If The Tomb is Empty: Why the Resurrection Means Anything Is Possible by Joby Martin with Charles Martin recently released. This book is easy to read and understand and yet it is full of thoughtful wisdom and Biblical guidance. 

If The Tomb Is Empty starts with a forward written by Tim Tebow where he shares why he feels this is such an important book. Then the book begins with a prologue. In the prologue, he shares more about what the book will be about and asks several questions for the reader to reflect on. I think the most thought-provoking for me is, "Do you live every day of your life as if the tomb is empty. . .or as though Jesus is still hanging on that cross?" Joby says that if you believe the tomb is empty at Calvary, it shoud change how you answer that question along with the others he asks.

Each chapter after the prologue in If the Tomb is Empty focuses on a Mountain: Moriah, Sinai, Carmel, Beatitudes, Temptation, Transfiguration, and Calvary. A question goes with each chapter. What I especially like about this book is how well personal experiences are written alongside Scripture which cause the reader to realize this is a book for our day and age with a history in the Bible. The book is easy to understand and easy to read and yet the reader learns a lot and reflects on their own life and living for Christ. I would recommend it to both new believers and those who want to reflect on their faith after many years.

I received a copy of this book from the publisher. All opinions within this review are my own.


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