100 Devotions for Kids Dealing with Anxiety by Justine Froelker


For some young people, if they spend time thinking about it, there is a lot to be anxious about in the world right now--school work, relationship issues, world problems, and more. 100 Devotions for Kids Dealing with Anxiety by Justine Froelker could be a book that would help some tweens and teens as it is aimed at those ages eight to thirteen, but depending on the person could be helpful to those slightly young or older than that.

In 100 Devotions for Kids Dealing with Anxiety, each reading starts with a Bible verse, followed by a short devotional to read, and ending with prompts to write related to each reading. There is a lined space following each prompt, but for those who write a lot, they might want to use their own blank book/notebook. 

100 Devotions for Kids Dealing with Anxiety includes readings on giving worries to God before bed, Waiting and Patience, Feeling afraid, and feeling like we are enough, among other issues related to anxiety. Each reading is fairly short and is easy to understand and relate to. Then the prompts do encourage the reader to reflect and think about the issues that relate to them.

Froelker has been a Licensed Professional Counselor for more than twenty years. She is certified in Dr. Brene Brown's Daring Way and Dare to Lead methods. I am familiar with Dr. Brown as I took two on-line classes with her and have also worked with a certified Daring Way counselor. I can highly recommend this approach as I have found it personally healing and encouraging to me in my own life. This little book is a gem and the 5-by-7-inch flexible paperback book would fit well into a backpack or book bag to carry along too.

I received a copy of this book from the publisher through the Amazon Vine program. All opinions within this review are my own.


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