The Sower by Scott James Illustrated by Stephen Crotts


Are you a gardener? I am. When I saw this beautiful book, The Sower by Scott James, I knew that I had to get a copy. 

The Crossway website says this book is aimed at children five to 10 years old. It is 48 pages long and approximately eight inches square in size with a dust jacket. I think the illustrations are beautiful in an artsy sort of way. 

Andrew Peterson writes the forward, which I think is beautiful as I can relate to his love of nature and God's creation. 

The Sower is an artistic metaphorical book relating God to a Sower. It seems to me that this is a book that one would appreciate more as they got older. I think younger children require some explanation to go along with the book. There is a Bible verse before the book begins and one at the end. If I were reading this book to my son when he was younger, I would have read slowly and taken time to explain some of the meaning, which I think would be made easier by the fact that we actually garden so he knows how that looks in real life. I think The Sower is a beautiful book but it may be a bit deep for younger minds to grasp until they get older without being able to relate it to real life. As the publisher page states it is an introduction to "the grand story of redemption in an artistic way."

I received a copy of this book from the publisher through the Amazon Vine program. All opinions within this review are my own.


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