The Clutter Fix by Shannon Acheson


Do you have a clutter problem? The Clutter Fix by Shannon Acheson might just have some answers for you.

The Clutter Fix is divided into four parts:

 Part 1--Get some Quick wins under your belt. Chapters includea 10-Day decluttering shortcut and 120 things to throw away--guilt free.

Part 2--Build a Decluttering Mindset. Chapters include four reasons to simplify your home, information on clutter and organizing personalities, how to handle sentimental things and how to handle family issues.

Part 3--Declutter and organize every room in your home. This section includes advice on how to purge and organize your ENTIRE house in seven easy steps, how to decide what to keep and what to toss, a step-by-step guide to decluttering, and three methods of decluttering.

Part 4--Master Maintenance Mode. This section focuses on keeping your house clutter free and maintaining what you have started.

The Clutter Fix includes a lot of worksheets and great ideas for de-cluttering your house. I like how this book is organized. I like that she is encouraging not just decluttering but maintaining what you started. I have decluttering and purged a couple of times. Mostly I keep things up but there are times when I let things go too. The maintaining section was helpful for me as I have already done some of this work. I also really appreciated that the author included a section on how to handle sentimental things as that is often a place I get stuck. In the past, I felt  like I had to keep family heirlooms that I don't particularly like. I think this book has a lot to offer most people. She said that she does mainly address women as that is who she often speaks to but that anyone can make the principles in the book work for them.

I received a copy of this book from the publisher. All opinions within this review are my own.


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