Jesus Listens: 365 Prayers for Kids by Sarah Young adapted by Tama Fortner


I have always enjoyed Sarah Young's books. Many times they make me think and we have also used her children's books when I was homeschooling my son. We went through Jesus Calling and another book following that one. The readings in those books are all from the perspective of Jesus talking to the reader. What I like about Jesus Listens is that it is from a prayerful perspective and Jesus listening to you.

In the introduction, the author says that she hopes that the daily prayers to Jesus in this book would be just a starting point. She hopes that they will invite the reader to share their thoughts and feeling as well as other things happening in their lives. She says she hopes that the prayers in the book will be just the start of conversations with Him. I like that idea. Sometimes written prayers don't quite fit your own situation and this invites the reader to make it their own.

There are 365 daily readings that all start with a Bible verse, then the prayer to Jesus and end with Bible verses for the reader to look up on their own. I like that too--that it invites the reader to learn on their own. I really feel this book does more inviting to learn than it does just telling kids what to believe, which I think is more helpful as they grow into their own faith.

Jesus Listens measures just under 6 by 8 inches in size and is one inch thick. This is a good size to carry along with a Bible or keep on the bedside stand. It is aimed at upper elementary students but that can vary by the maturity of the child.

I received a copy of this book from the publisher through the Amazon Vine program. All opinions within this review are my own.


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