To Mimi's House We Go by Susan Meissner Illustrated by Mette Engell


To Mimi's House We Go by Susan Meissner is a fun Christmas book aimed at children ages four to eight.

To start with, the cover of this 8-by-10-inch book is colorful and has texture, which I love. It is also 32 pages long. 

I love Susan Meissner's adult books so thought To Mimi's House We Go would be a fun one for children. I do think it is. I love how it depicts lots of ways to go to a Grandmother's house and I love all the different names for Grandma. This fun book also rhymes and is fun to read aloud. I think it is neat the children can see that while kids may call their family members by different names and travel differently, ultimately they all have fun family traditions and names to relate to. I love how this book showcases differences so we can all learn from each other in a fun way. 

While To Mimi's House We Go is published by a traditionally Christian publisher, this book could be read by anyone of any faith. I actually think that is great with this type of book. It would also make a nice gift for a child, a grandma, or a family around Christmas time. This book could also be used for some fun discussions to talk about how families are alike and different. The illustrations are colorful and fun to look at as well--with lots of detail.

I received a copy of this book from the publisher. All opinions within this review are my own.


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